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Building Leak Investigations in the UK

Updated: Apr 4

Thornton Consulting have been at the forefront of Building Leak Investigations throughout the UK since the company was established in 1986. We were recently appointed by a new client who are involved in the refurbishment of existing buildings with numerous projects across the England and Wales to locate the source of leaks being experienced at some of their projects.

It is not uncommon for building of all ages to have water ingress issues but is more prevent in older buildings and those which have been poorly maintained and require refurbishment. In such circumstance, it is important to establish the source of leaks prior to extensive refurbishment works to ensure the exact nature of the problem is established as leaks can remain, if not addressed correctly at the outset. If left unresolved it can lead to ongoing leaks and result in expensive damage to internal fixtures and fittings or parts of the building envelope.

We have been proactive in resolving these issues with our client and work closely with project managers to ensure an efficient and cost-effective solution to each leak.

The source of leaks in buildings can established by a number of different building leak investigations test techniques which we have continued to develop over the past four decades. These typically include:

  • Electronic leak detection of the waterproofing membrane – Breaches in the roof waterproofing can be accurately located and confirmed as the source by additional test methods where necessary.

  • Flood testing – Where electronic leak detection is not possible, for example beneath finishes such as green roofs or paving, a flood test can establish whether the roof is the source of the leak or not.

  • Moisture Profiles – This can be undertaken to internal surfaces to record levels of damp prior to testing or be used to locate entrapped water within a roof build-up, typically a warm roof construction.

  • Simulated rainfall testing – Undertaken to positively identify the source of a leak by recreating weather conditions, such as driving rain.

  • Borescope / Inspection camera survey – Enables inspection of wall cavities or other difficult to access parts of the structure.

  • Other tests – various other tests are also available, including Infra-red thermography and ultra sound testing of glazing which can be implemented where circumstances dictate.

If you are experiencing building leaks and would like further information on our Building Leak Investigations service, please contact our office on 01342 410508 or use the Contact Form to get in touch.


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